What does it mean to be "open"?
"Open" means significant free and open access to available LSEG linked data. Our long-term objective is to establish an information ecosystem with our Information Model and the PermID providing a common context for the free exchange of information. PermID is a critical element for the achievement of this goal.
The PermID database is licensed under the Creative Commons with Attribution license, version 4.0 (CC-BY). An extended set of fields is also available under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial license (CC-NC 3.0). Plain language summaries of these licenses are available on the Creative Commons website.
Basic (CC-BY 4.0): This data is available for access on this website for all users, and to registered users via API.
Extended (CC-NC 3.0): This data is available for access on this website only. We are unable to offer API access to these fields at this time.
Why publish this on the open web?
The PermID identifier is a long, unique and machine readable number that is only meaningful in the context of our content and metadata. In order for it to be useful, it is necessary to provide an openly available set of descriptive metadata and tools for working with these PermIDs. This approach helps users of PermID to communicate data to their counterparties.
PermID also provides a frictionless entry point into our ecosystem for commercial and open-data vendors as well as other types of partners, enhancing the value of their data and ours. Since launch, we have received feedback that PermID.org and its tools help users explore and utilize our data, while providing an easy-to-use reference for PermIDs and our metadata.
Does the world really need yet another standard?
PermID is domain-agnostic and intended to connect and provide shared context between different standards and non-standardized concepts within many knowledge domains.
Our goal is to offer interoperability. Many standards already exist, each covering aspects of the universe of objects they specialize. Our aim is to offer ability to exchange data with unambiguous shared meaning.
Consider the power outlet. Anyone who has traveled abroad has experienced outlets that don't work with the electric devices they may have brought with them. While it might be nice to have a global standard for power outlets, leaving aside voltage differences, the sheer cost of replacing the billions of outlets in the world to conform to a new standard would far outweigh any benefit, especially when adapters offer an inexpensive solution.
What content is included in our Open Data?
All PermIDs are considered open regardless of source. We are also publishing additional associated metadata and relationships as open data, freely available on PermID.org. Via PermID.org, we currently expose PermIDs, metadata, and relationships for organizations, equity instruments quotes, currencies, asset classes, our TRBC Industry Scheme, and other entities and objects.
What services are provided via PermID.org?
PermID.org provides both GUI and API access to a variety of content, services, and tools.
- Search
- GUI and API for querying the PermID database. Supports fuzzy-matching and explicit matching via standard identifiers
- Lookup/PermID URI de-reference for each PermID URI
- Human-readable reference pages
- Machine-readable structured data
- Open Calais
- LSEG's natural-language-processing technology for annotating text documents with document-level tags and topics, and instance-level entity recognition and resolution to PermID
- This is the community version of our commercial tagging product, Intelligent Tagging
What kinds of entities are supported?
Organization | Instruments | Quotes | People | People related Metatada | Industry TRBC | RCS Asset class | ||
Coverage | Organizations | Equity instruments | Equity quotes | O&Ds | Officer Role, Director Role, Major | TRBC primary Industry group, TRBC Business sector, TRBC Economic Sector | Currency | |
entity page (UI) | ||||||||
Search (UI+API) | soon | |||||||
Record Matching (UI+API) | ||||||||
Entity Lookup (API) | ||||||||
Related entities | instrument, quotes, ppl | organizations, quotes | organizations, instruments | organizations | Person | Organization | Instruments, quotes | Quotes |
Are there any restrictions on usage?
We enforce daily and concurrent rate limits on the PermID.org APIs to protect our servers. The daily limit is 5,000 requests (500 for Open Calais), and the concurrent limit varies by API from 1-4 calls per second. If your use case requires higher limits for the LSEG Intelligent Tagging, please contact permid.feedback@lseg.com
How do I use Entity Search?
Use Entity search page for one-off lookups of individual organizations, instruments and Quotes. Entity Search enables you to:
- PermID lookup - Retrieve an entity by entering its PermID
- Search - Search for entities by using identifiers such as name, ticker and RIC
How do I use Record Matching?
If you have your own universe of organizations and instruments, the record matching service allows you to upload up to 1,000 of your records to return PermIDs for each one. To use record matching, you need to download the provided template, include name, ticker, RIC, and any other fields, and then upload the template to get your matches.
How do I use Intelligent Tagging?
Use Open Calais to return PermIDs for organizations and instruments hidden in your unstructured text.
To use intelligent tagging, paste your text, drag and drop the text or upload an XML file into the viewer pane. Please note that the allowed maximum file size is 100 kb. After clicking on the “Tag It” button, you will be returned a list of industries, topics, and entities. Click through the entity to be taken to its PermID URI.
How do I use the API?
Each of the services (entity search, record matching, and intelligent tagging) has an API allowing you to receive data directly to your internal systems.
To access the APIs, you must first register for a token (API Key). This token enables you to request the APIs for the three services. Note: For entity PermID lookup, you don’t need to use a token.
I am a LSEG client, how can I leverage PermID?
Current clients will find PermID.org useful primarily as a public reference for PermIDs. As PermID is a free and open identifier, our clients rely on them for referencing organization, person, instrument, quote etc. when sharing data with their clients and partners.
Whom can I contact for more information?
To get the conversation started or simply request more information, please contact your account manager or email the PermID.org team at permid.feedback@lseg.com
If you have a support issue, please go to the Developer Community and raise as a question there.